@article{oai:gifu-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00076669, author = {小寺, 里香}, journal = {岐阜大学留学生センター紀要, Bulletin of the International Student Center Gifu University}, month = {Feb}, note = {論文(Article), This paper examines changes of the sentence structure in the utterance of three foreign students in Gifu University's 18 week intensive course. For this paper, two Oral Proficiency Interviews were conducted at two separate times: the eighth and seventeenth weeks. To clarify the changes of sentence structure quantitatively, following questions were set up. 1) Among following four types of utterance, word level utterance, sentence level one, spontaneous one, and linguistic breakdown, which type of utterance will increase or decrease in the two interviews. 2) In the second interview, do complex sentences increase? The result is as follows: in the second interview, word level utterances and linguistic breakdowns decrease, whereas sentence levels utterances and spontaneous ones increase. As to the sentence structure, complex sentences increase. Another finding is that, when the students' responses are spontaneous, they use conjunctions more frequently and effectively. From these results, it can be said that not only the text type in their utterance but also their ability to compose sentences improved in this period of nine weeks.}, pages = {70--77}, title = {初級日本語学習者の発話にみられる文構造の変化に関する一考察}, volume = {2}, year = {2000} }